Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thirteen Reasons Why 

by Jay Asher

When Clay Jenson sees the package addressed to him, he gets excited.  Once opened he finds tapes, once he hears the voice on the tapes, is when he is shocked.  The voice of Hannah Baker, Clay's crush.  Hannah, the girl Clay had a crush on for as long as he can remember, a girl he went to school with, the girl who worked at the local movie theater with him, who Clay thought had changed in the last months, the same Hannah Baker who had committed suicide two weeks ago. You will find yourself finishing this emotionally draining book in a day, just like Clay finishes listening to all 13 sides of the tapes, just to know "Why?"  Hannah has 13 reasons why she did what she did and they are the ones the tapes are being sent to.  Clay, with the rest of you once you get to know him, will be wondering why he is on the list.  You will feel for Clay, for Hannah, be mad at Hannah, why did she chose to take her life, surely there was another way?  This book is very emotional.  I personally LOVED this book, let me know what you thought of it.  


  1. this is one of my favorite books.

  2. it's sad that these kinds of stuff is happening to teenagers, which can be prevented had people thought about their actions and how it affects the victims of their lies, rumors, and bullying(in some cases, not this book as much).

  3. This book is very sad...I can't imagine the unnecessary pain felt by both Hannah and Clay.
