Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hate List 

by Jennifer Brown

Five months ago Valerie's boyfriend Nick opened fire in their school, killing classmates and a teacher, in the craze of the shooting Valerie got shot as well.  She is a victim of the shooting just like everyone else in the school yet she is being questioned in the crime because of the list she and Nick made of people and things they hated, the list that had apparently become Nick's target list. She didn't mean to, did she? It was just for them to take out their anger on, the list, it was not a 'hit list', was it? Had it always been that? Valerie is confused, with the whole thing, the shooting, the fact that she still loves Nick, and if she ever really knew who Nick was.  She must return to the same school, the halls, the students, and this time she does not have Nick to protect her from the cruel bullies.  I liked this book, it deals with bullying and if not dealt with what it may lead to, which is a sad but true. Is Valerie a victim? Was Nick? The last chapters are very emotional.


  1. Sounds like a deep read. It's the perfect book for today's young adults.

  2. Sounds very heart breaking and unfortunately it is an experience many young adults go through.

  3. it really is, but the saddest part of it is that for some teenagers this has been the reality.
