Saturday, December 8, 2012


by Ally Condie

This novel is a dystopian novel, it is set in futuristic world where the Society controls everything and where everything and everyone is equal.  Cassia, and everyone in the Society, which is utopian/dystopian, trusts for it to make the right choices for them, choices such as: what to eat, what to read, what to watch, what to believe, and so on.  They are trapped in this society, very true to the cover of the book, but by choice.  That is until her 'matching ceremony.'  This is when Society chooses someone for you as a match, according to your psychological and physical profile.  Cassia, to her relief, is matched with her best friend Xander, but at that second another face, Ky's, flashes at the screen and before the screen turns off.  What does this mean? Is the Society wrong about her match, what about everything else they chose for them everyday?  Ky, who is from the Outter Providence which is where people do not follow the rules of the Society.  What is Cassia to do, should she follow the Society or dare to follow the path that is out of the question and no one else has dares to go down?  Being with Xander is not bad, they are best friends and he loves her so much and will do just about anything for her, but Ky the unknown rebel, who will she choose?  It was interesting, but not my cup of tea, I just wanted to have one different book in here than what I usually read. I am open to all books but have my favorite genres, who doesn't?


  1. Modern day Fahrenheit 451!

  2. Not my fave genre

  3. Looks good! setting is the future, but lessons are for today it sounds like

  4. ya, but not favorite genre either
